Wednesday, September 23, 2015

On the road to mastering Facebook.

Finding Friends.

You can search for your friends by typing their names or email addresses in the search bar. Learn more about adding friends and also you can import your list of contacts from other places (ex: your email account, your phone) and Facebook will  find your friends for you. After Facebook imports your contacts, you'll have the option to send a friend request to any of your friends that already have a Facebook account or send an invitation to friends who aren't on Facebook. 

Profile Picture.

Your profile picture helps people recognize you on Facebook. To add a profile picture or change your current profile picture, you  can change your profile picture anytime you want. All you need to do is go to to your profile and you can select any picture from your phone or computer.  


When you have a notification it will appear at the top-right corner of any page on Facebook. When you have a new notification you will see a red bubble will appear with the number on of new notifications you’ve received. When you get used to it you will see there are separate notifications for friend requests and messages, and the rest of your notifications will appear over the globe icon. All you have to do is click these icons at any time to view or adjust new notifications.

Search Basics.

When you want to search for something, you only click the search bar at the top of any page on Facebook, and you will have to enter what you’re looking for and choose from the results. When typing something, you may see suggestions for what you’re looking for. You can search for anything and when you find what you’re looking click it save time searching and if you want for privacy you can delete all your searches.

On Facebook you can choose who you want to see your post and you can also choose who can contact you and look you up.  Your privacy settings page has a group of general controls for your Facebook account.

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