Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Growing my Facebook Followers

Starting out.
In the first picture when i click on find friends, you will see a few people Facebook think i may know and if i want to i can just click on add friends and i will send them a friend request.

  1. Posting Original Content.                       

This is how i was researching how to get more Facebook friends, here's the link.

I went on my computer and found this pic so i posted the pic and i can share with my friends and i can decide who can see it and comment.

2. Finding Friends through Facebook tools.
This is a list of Facebook's friends finding tool.

3. Joining Groups
A group i could find and be able to join it, here's the link

I went on my Facebook account and look for some groups and i found out ADIT134101 Class Group
and i sent sent a request. 

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