Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Growing my Twitter Followers.

Starting Out.

This is my current list of followers on Twitter, i know for sure i will get more followers in the future because i'm starting to use my account more often now.

  1. Use media in every original post.
Today i saw one the best quarterback of the NFL surprised  a young boy suffering from cancer and i decided to share by using the hashtag #timtebowfoundation by doing that the video will get more view and shared by others.

2. Following other people. #FF
Follow Friday is a way people recommend their followers in their tweets to other followers to follow on twitter.

3- Supporting people you may know.

As i mentioned earlier How Tim Tebow went to the hospital and surprised the young boy suffering from cancer, you can see in the picture i'm following him and i have the opportunity to see more of his events and other stuff his doing. 

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