Saturday, September 26, 2015

On the road to mastering YouTube.

Subscriptions are an important part of your YouTube experience. If there are specific channels that you like, subscribe to them. Once you do, you'll receive updates whenever they upload new videos, making it simple to keep up with the content you care about.

Go to your watch history to find videos that you've viewed while signed in. This includes videos that you have watched while signed in to the YouTube app on mobile devices, as well as It also includes videos you've watched in a YouTube player on other websites while signed in to Google Chrome. Changes you make to your account's watch history will appear on all devices you sign in to with this account.

The best option is that you create a new YouTube playlist, add all the videos and then share the link (URL) of the playlist. The privacy of the YouTube playlist can be set to Unlisted if you would like to hide your video list from search engines. It is easy to build playlists in YouTube but they are always connected to your YouTube channel or Google Account – you cannot create a playlist on YouTube anonymously without logging in to your account.

My Channel.
To create your channel on YouTube you have to make sure you're signed in to YouTube, go to all my channels and if you want to make a YouTube channel for a google+ page that you manage, you can choose it here, otherwise click create a new channel. fill out the details to create your new channel.

Watch Later

On YouTube to add a video to the watch later playlist while watching a video on the YouTube for IOS app, tap the add to icon and tap to watch later. Also you can add a video while browsing your feeds, tap the menu icon next to a video, tap add watch later. you can also remove a video from the playlist, just open watch later in the guide.

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