Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Meshmoon Worlds

  1.  The circus 

Washing this guy fire breathing when i walked in the tent.

Looking at the tent before i walked in.

2. Haukipudas Cloud Church

This is the main entrance of the church

Standing right in front of the throne.

3.German Fire Fighting Museum 

Looking at the the driving horse at the museum

Looking at this beautiful firefighter truck

4.My Remote Library Island
I wanted to go swimming.
I was looking at a computer screen on the island.

5.Kizhi Oculus
I was trying to get in front back door of the church at the Oculus.
This is the information of the place and you can learn about it more and see the map.

6. Harvest by Finpeda
As soon as i walked in this machine was right in front of me, too bad i couldn't drive it.
Looking at this beautiful grass.

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