Monday, October 26, 2015

Class 8: Minecraft, Collaborative computing and Networks.

Minecraft is a game where you dig (mine) and build (craft) different kinds of 3D blocks within a large world of varying terrains and habitats to explore. In this world the sun rises and sets as you go about your work, gathering materials and making tools. There is rain and the occasional lightning storm, and animals that you can tame, farm or use for food. Depending on which mode you’re playing in, you might also need to fight for your survival against hunger, danger and bad guys. for more info please go to:
In class tonight we all went to two different world together, we explored and it was great. We gathered together and we took a few screenshots together. We stayed together the whole time.  we went to forest and we fought each other and i killed one of my classmate twice and he came back to chase me. At one point i lost the guys i had to drown myself, so i can go back to where the game started so i can find them.

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