Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Class 8, The Bitcoin Blockchain.
A block chain is a transaction database shared by all nodes participating in a system based on the Bitcoin protocol. A full copy of a currency's block chain contains every transaction ever executed in the currency. With this information, one can find out how much value belonged to each address at any point in history. Every block contains a hash of the previous block. This has the effect of creating a chain of blocks from the genesis block  to the current block. 
As a new user, you can get started with Bitcoin without understanding the technical details. Once you have installed a Bitcoin wallet on your computer or mobile phone, it will generate your first Bitcoin address and you can create more whenever you need one. You can disclose your addresses to your friends so that they can pay you or vice versa. In fact, this is pretty similar to how email works, except that Bitcoin addresses should only be used once.

We should consider Bitcoin to be an experiment. Like any good experiment, we gain valuable knowledge and design the next experiment. There are many other Blockchains that perform the essential functions as bitcoin without the inefficiency of mining. Some of these include Bitshares (proof of stake) and Maidsafe (proof of resource). Another advancement to watch is something called Curiosumé (The Ingenesist Project) which turns your resume into cryptography allowing people to build smart keys that open smart contracts on smart block chains. I believe that this is the "intuition" that everyone in the engineering professions senses ought to happen with this great technology.
Class 8, Peer to Peer (P2P) & BitTorrent.
Peer-to-peer (P2P) is an alternative network model to that provided by traditional client-server architecture. P2P networks use a decentralized model in which each machine, referred to as a peer, functions as a client with its own layer of server functionality. A peer plays the role of a client and a server at the same time. That is, the peer can initiate requests to other peers, and at the same time respond to incoming requests from other peers on the network. It differs from the traditional client-server model where a client can only send requests to a server and then wait for the server’s response.

With a client-server approach, the performance of the server will deteriorate as the number of clients requesting services from the server increase. However, in P2P networks overall network performance actually improves as an increasing number of peers are added to the network. These peers can organize themselves into  groups as they communicate, collaborate and share bandwidth with each other to complete the tasks at hand. Each peer can upload and download at the same time, and in a process like this, new peers can join the group while old peers leave at any time. This dynamic re-organization of group peer members is transparent to end-users.

 Another characteristic of a P2P network is its capability in terms of fault-tolerance. When a peer goes down or is disconnected from the network, the P2P application will continue by using other peers. For example, in a Bit Torrent system, any clients downloading a certain file are also serving as servers. When a client finds one of the peers is not responding, it searches for other peers, picks up parts of the file where the old peer was, and continues the download process. Compared to a client-server model, where all communication will stop if the server is down, a P2P network is more fault-tolerant.
Class8, Botnets, Zombies networks.
A botnet (also known as a Zombies army) is a number of Internet computers that, although their owners are unaware of it, botnet have been set up to forward transmissions (including spam or viruses) to other computers on the Internet. Any such computer is referred to as a zombie, in effect, a computer "robot" or "bot" that serves the wishes of some master spam or virus originator. Most computers compromised in this way are home-based. According to a report from Russian-based Kaspersky Labs, botnet -- not spam, viruses, or worms -- currently pose the biggest threat to the Internet. A report from Symantec came to a similar conclusion.
Computers that are cooped to serve in a zombie army are often those whose owners fail to provide effective firewalls and other safeguards. An increasing number of home users have high speed connections for computers that may be inadequately protected. A zombie or bot is often created through an Internet port that has been left open and through which a small Trojan horse program can be left for future activation. At a certain time, the zombie army "controller" can unleash the effects of the army by sending a single command, possibly from an Internet Relay Channel (IRC) site.

The computers that form a botnet can be programmed to redirect transmissions to a specific computer, such as a Web site that can be closed down by having to handle too much traffic - a distributed denial-of-service DDos attack - or, in the case of spam distribution, to many computers. The motivation for a zombie master who creates a DDos attack may be to cripple a competitor. The motivation for a zombie master sending spam is in the money to be made. Both of them rely on unprotected computers that can be turned into zombies.
Class8, The YouTube Network and ISPs.

After watching the video i learned the Video Quality Report sheds a light on what kind of performance my internet service provider (ISP) typically delivers,and  how various providers stack in my area, and what other factors play a role in video performance.

Class8, My Google Groups.

pictures from my Google Groups, and conversation with Jeffrey 

Monday, October 26, 2015

Class 8, Immersive Collaboration
Microsoft HoloLens is the first fully untethered, holographic computer, enabling high-definition holograms to integrate with your world. As a HoloLens wearer, you'll still see the real world in front of you. You can walk around and talk to others without worrying about bumping into Walls. The Company is not trying to transport you to a different world, but rather bring the wonders of a computer directly to the one you're living in. Microsoft is overlaying images and objects onto our living rooms. The goggles will track your movements, watch your gaze and transform what you see by blasting light at your eyes (it doesn't hurt). Because the device tracks where you are, you can use hand gestures -- right now it's only a midair click by raising and lowering your finger -- to interact with the 3D images.
HoloLens will be able to let you view and interact with work projects such as assembling 3D models, play games like Minecraft, video chat with hologram versions of Skype contacts, and even watch live content. An on-stage demonstration further emphasized the ability to create 3D objects, from assembling to choosing the colors, all using simple gestures that looks very Intel Real Sense. One of the most fascinating uses, at least for the folks at NASA, is the potential to control the Mars rover Curiosity via the HoloLens. One of the best thing about the HoloLens is "fully wireless", which is something that Microsoft is keen to stress.  

Class 8: Minecraft, Collaborative computing and Networks.

Minecraft is a game where you dig (mine) and build (craft) different kinds of 3D blocks within a large world of varying terrains and habitats to explore. In this world the sun rises and sets as you go about your work, gathering materials and making tools. There is rain and the occasional lightning storm, and animals that you can tame, farm or use for food. Depending on which mode you’re playing in, you might also need to fight for your survival against hunger, danger and bad guys. for more info please go to:
In class tonight we all went to two different world together, we explored and it was great. We gathered together and we took a few screenshots together. We stayed together the whole time.  we went to forest and we fought each other and i killed one of my classmate twice and he came back to chase me. At one point i lost the guys i had to drown myself, so i can go back to where the game started so i can find them.

Sunday, October 25, 2015


This comprehensive virtual tour allows visitors using a desktop computer (Windows, Mac, Linux, or a mobile device (iPhone, iPad, Android) to take a virtual, self-guided, room-by-room walking tour of the whole museum. You can even browse a list of past exhibits, which is included on the ground floor map (see upper right map buttons).  The visitor can navigate from room to room by clicking map locations or by following blue arrow links on the floor that connect the rooms. The desktop version includes camera icons to indicate hotspots where the visitor can get a close-up view of a particular object or exhibit panel.  

The mission of the Technical Working Group (TWG) is to make sure that the Drupal project has efficient technical policies, procedures, and standards as required to keep the "technical" side of our community operating smoothly. The TWG's job to ensure that the necessary policies, procedures, and standards exist to address technical concerns affecting the Drupal community. This includes items that affect all projects, such as the Drupal coding standards, repository usage and licensing policies, and Drupal’s full-project approval process. The TWG does not necessarily author and maintain these policies itself, but merely ensures that they exist, that they are well maintained, and that they are successful. To do so, they appoint and empower individuals or groups within the community to care for these policies and review them as needed. The Libraries and Museums Technology Working Group (LIB.TWG) is responsible for defining, implementing, evolving and maintaining applications and open standards related to the provision of library and museum services associated with Immersive Education.
Today’s student are much more clued up about technology than their parents and use it on a constant basis. Everything from Facebook and Twitter through to computer games, mobile phone apps, and the iPad forms a large part of a teenager’s lifestyle and teachers are aware of this use and reliance upon technology. This is very important for Immersive Education, it helps students to work together as a team and nobody where you are in the world you can get access to it. So, it makes to use this as part of learning. One approach is blended learning in which several learning approaches are combines together. This means a mix of computer aided learning such as virtual reality systems with traditional forms of leaning. This hybrid approach is designed to meet the needs of all students, irrespective of their learning style.

Class7, Assignment2: Twitter Group Messages.
In this picture i sent  group messages to my classmate.
Class 7, Assignment 1, Second Life.
Visited Moscow.

Visited Virtual Spain.
Visited Franc3d

Visited the Halloween Haunt at two moon paradise.

Visited Carver's End.
In this picture i sent a message to everybody in the chat room, waiting for them to respond.
 In the second picture i just asked this person to direct me toward the good example of collaboration.
This picture my new friend L sent me a Teleport,so i can visit the other places.

Customize my Avatar.
I was trying to find the right avatar.
I choose an avatar and he's pretty cool and he's a vampire.
I was trying t find the right outfit for my avatar.

Monday, October 19, 2015

Class7, Minecraft: Interface Fundamentals.

This is the first the step of the game you choose if you want single-player or multiplayer.

You can create your own world and you can give it title. 
In this picture i was trying to break this wall.

This is a picture of the inventory box, you will get access to it when you press E.
In this picture i fell in the water and i couldn't get back up and i died.
It was night time and this guy was attacking me and he killed me. 
I was trying to find my way and this spider came out of nowhere.


Class6, Assignment2
This picture shows my new sidebar with links to all our classmate's blog.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

This is picture of my share with me page, with Jeffrey report on operating system and the lecture and the learning ladder, and a project that we all did together.
This is a picture of my operating systems report to our group and Jeffrey, i couldn't find everyone email but hopefully you guys can see it on the group page.